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9 Signs You Need Whiplash Treatment After a Car Accident

Written By ChiroSports USA on March 3, 2020

Whiplash Treatment from a car accident in PleasantonCalifornia has some of the worst traffic in the country.

Unfortunately, our great state is home to over 485 thousand car accidents and more than 276 thousand injuries every year.

Some minor injuries can have disastrous consequences. Sadly, symptoms often go unnoticed. That’s why prompt whiplash treatment is critical for avoiding long-term pain and suffering.

9 Signs You Need Whiplash Treatment After a Car Accident

In some cases of whiplash, the symptoms are so subtle you might not even realize that you’ve sustained a severe injury and need car accident treatment. Keep an eye out for these signs.

  1. Neck stiffness and pain
  2. Neck pain that gets worse with movement
  3. Numbness or tingling in your hands or arms
  4. Tender or sore shoulders or upper back
  5. Poor range of motion in your neck
  6. Blurred vision
  7. Ringing in your ears
  8. Sleeping problems
  9. Loss of memory

If left untreated, whiplash can lead to long-term problems. Chronic neck pain, herniated discs, and torn ligaments aren’t uncommon. 

45% of people treated for chronic neck pain can trace the source of their suffering back to a car accident.

Comprehensive Car Accident Treatment in Pleasanton and Union City

Dr. Abdollah Nejad of ChiroSports USA have years of experience helping patients in the Bay Area recover from auto injuries ranging from simple to complex. 

Your doctor will ask questions about your accident, symptoms, and medical history before ordering x-rays to gain a comprehensive understanding of your injury. 

From there, your doctor will begin car accident treatment right away. Proactive treatment is important to avoid future complications and since chiropractic adjustments are extremely gentle, there’s no major risk. 

Don’t wait until damage from an auto injury destroys your quality of life. Schedule an appointment at ChiroSports USA in Pleasanton today by calling 925-462-2225.

Posted In: Chiropractic Whiplash Treatment